Commitment - Beyond the Safari 

Empowering Daunara

Transforming Lives and Landscapes through Sustainable Tourism

At Daunara we believe that by delivering next-level experiences for guests, friends, and family, we can create opportunities that impact the lives of our team and people in our neighbouring communities. We hope to create an understanding of conservation and its long-term benefits for the community as a whole.

We are committed to making a difference through Conservation, Community, Culture, and Commerce.  Our vision is aligned with the four principles of the Long Run, a membership community of nature-based tourism businesses, of which we are a member, committed to driving holistic sustainability.

  • Sustainability Pillars

    Community - Commerce - Culture - Conservation

  • Community

    Foundations of Progress

    Our vision involves laying strong foundations for growth through essential amenities such as a school, a clinic, and a community centre to foster learning, health, and community bonding.

    – Empowerment

  • Commerce

    Cultivating Self-Reliance

    Together with our neighbouring community we have identified and prioritised the need for farming and poultry projects, which will foster local employment, commercial opportunity, and self-reliance as we transform the soil into a bountiful source of sustenance and pride.

    – Sustainability

  • Culture

    Integrating Hospitality and Opportunity

    Our lodge offers opportunities, providing skills training and employment to village residents and seamlessly integrating them into the hospitality industry but always ensuring that through sincere and charming service our team can remain deeply proud of their Botswana heritage. Connecting our guests to Botswana culture is at the heart of the experiences we offer.

    – Collaboration

  • Conservation Through Connection

    A Mission of Transformation

    Our mission is to transform lives by skillfully intertwining conservation with tourism, thereby promoting environmental stewardship and ensuring long-term prosperity for communities like Daunara.

    – Respect

Sustainable Luxury

In addition to the positive impacts we make, we believe that we can reduce our negative impacts without compromising the guest experience. We have deliberately kept our foot-print light and small and we are dedicated to seeking out small but meaningful ways of managing our impact in the following area:

Measuring and Managing our impact

  • Energy

    The camp is run fully on renewable Photovoltaic energy backed up with a small generator for emergencies.

  • Waste Management

    Food waste is composted in our state-of-the-art, energy-efficient composter, compacted, and then taken to our community garden to improve the soil quality and for animal feed.

    Glass and cans are separated and crushed, to reduce the size and number of vehicles needed for transport – these are sent to Maun for various recycling initiatives.

  • Water Waste

    Water Waste & septic tanks are managed through the use of biodegradable cleaning products and a filtration system with clean grey water being used for irrigation.

    We have eliminated the use of all plastic water bottles and their transport through the implementation of a reverse-osmosis water plant for drinking water.